How to Get Paid While You Educate and Win New Clients

1 module



Course Length
48 mins

Gina Gallutia

$50 - 100


Business owners should know what drives the value of their business, so they can make informed decisions about selling or growing. Owners often receive a lot of misinformation about value. Even traditional valuation reports, which are designed for compliance or litigation, fail to address real market value considerations. The solution… M&A Advisors can deliver a Market Value Study to provide clients real feedback from market buyers. Learn how to use a Market Value Study to educate clients on real market value metrics, and simultaneously position yourself as the client’s trusted M&A Advisor. This course includes a sample market value study.

Instructor: Chris Blees, BiggsKofford Capital


  • Investment Banks and M&A Advisors can turn lead-generating marketing services into paid engagements. 

  • Private business owners (and most of their professionals) don’t understand the difference between traditional business valuation and real M&A transactional value. Educating clients and their professionals about these differences also increases the value of engaging an investment banker. 

  • Market assessments of value are more meaningful when providing clients with value improvement ideas. 

How to Get Paid While You Educate and Win New Clients
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Added 7 months ago, by Eric

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